Don’t Know Which Book To Read Next? Try This

Darius Foroux
The Blog of Darius Foroux
3 min readMay 8, 2018


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“Which book on my reading list should I read next?”

Does that question sound familiar?

Once I cross off a book from my reading list, I always add 1 or 2 new books. It’s a never-ending adventure of discovering new books.

It’s fun. But also frustrating.

By now, there are hundreds of books on my reading list. And there’s no way I can read everything. I’ve finally realized that.

I also realized at an early age that with the right knowledge, you can achieve anything.

But there’s a problem — books take time to read. Even when you train your reading skills and can read faster, it will take you at least several days to read a book.

You must be selective with the books you read.

That’s very difficult. Most of us decide to read a book after reading reviews. But I don’t think that’s a good system. I’ve often read negative review about books that changed my life.

Books mean different things to people. That’s why I try to create book recommendation lists with more in-depth explanations.

But still, recommendations are reviews that rely on other people’s opinions.



Darius Foroux
The Blog of Darius Foroux

I write about productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance. Join my free weekly newsletter here: