The Only Sleep Hack That Actually Works

Darius Foroux
The Blog of Darius Foroux
4 min readApr 19, 2019


Image: freepik

On average, you sleep 7 hours and 50 minutes per night. Considering that life expectancy for countries in the Western world is about 80 years — you’ll spend 26.6 years of your life asleep.

That’s almost 1/3 of your time on this planet. And yet, we feel tired so often. Just look at the person sitting next to you at the office, on the couch, or at Starbucks.

Sleep plays a big role in our lives — we depend on it. Have you ever had a bad day and said it was because of a lack of sleep? It sucks. That’s why we’re obsessed with sleep hacks and listicles that promise us to sleep like a third grader that has nothing to worry about.

I continuously experiment with things that should improve your life. One of the aspects that I’ve focused on for the past four years is sleep.

Every day, I write down what time I went to sleep and woke up. I also rate my energy level during the day on a 1–10 scale at the end of the day.

On my scale, a 1 means doing absolutely nothing but eating and drinking. A 10 means doing 10 hours of focused work and 2 hours of exercise while traveling to the other side of the world (this almost never happens).

Of course, I miss a day at times. But I have hundreds of entries by now, which helped me to analyze the effect sleep has on my energy

