Intel’s Digital Wayfinding System at Mobile World Congress 2023, Barcelona.

Darjeeling Design Company
3 min readAug 23, 2023

Intel’s vision was to create an intuitive digital wayfinding system that enabled their partners to effortlessly locate relevant technology demo and information within a high-traffic venue, attracting nearly 100,000 visitors. The objective was on crunching the data into a single comprehensive view for people.

Illustration by Parul Sharma

Client background and project introduction:

Like every year, Intel, the semiconductor company, was going to be at the Mobile World Congress 2023 as well. Their show booth usually feature several of their ecosystem partners and technology demos. The aim was to assist attendees in locating desired technology demos and navigate the expansive venue efficiently, which attracted nearly 100,000 visitors.

The project highlights the application of human-centered design principles to create an interactive and accessible touch-based wayfinding system for Intel’s show booth at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2023 in Barcelona. By leveraging a static floor plan which was first transferred to Unity 3D for a user focused spatial perspective, and a comprehensive list of Intel’s ecosystem partners, their demos and booth location, we crafted an intuitive user journey, seamlessly architected the content, implemented touch interactions, and employed micro interactions to ensure a self-explanatory experience.

Intel’s digital wayfinding system at Mobile World Congress 2023.

How did we do it?

We began by analyzing the static 2D floor plan, breaking it down into a 3D environment that was built using Unity, to grasp the spatial perspective of the venue. This analysis helped identify key areas and determine optimal navigation routes.

Architecting the User Experience:

To architect a user-centered journey, we considered the needs and expectations of the attendees. We condensed the data into technology-specific categories that catered to the attendees’ interests and needs. These categories were segmented alphabetically and organized by company, allowing for a direct mapping to the corresponding booth locations. This approach provided attendees with ample browsing options based on their preferences. Once the data was organized, we wanted to make it accessible and intuitive. The touch-based interface was strategically placed to facilitate ease of access and interactivity.

Ensuring Accessibility and Inclusivity:

With inclusivity in mind, the touch-based wayfinding system was designed to be accessible to all attendees. Considerations were made to accommodate individuals with disabilities or diverse needs, ensuring that the design met accessibility guidelines for eg: instead of having a horizontal or a table top, we went with a vertical digital singage. Another example, we positioned the touch interface at the quarter half of the screen to make it accessible for everyone. The interface employed clear visual cues, intuitive gestures, and appropriate color contrast for improved readability and usability.

Micro Interactions for Self-Explanatory Experience:

Micro interactions were introduced throughout the touch-based interface to guide users seamlessly without the need for human assistance. These subtle interactions provided real-time feedback, such as animations or haptic feedback, to reinforce user actions and communicate progress. The use of micro interactions reduced cognitive load and enhanced the overall user experience.

Evaluation and Iteration:

The touch-based wayfinding system underwent rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure its effectiveness. Feedback from users was collected and analyzed to identify areas for improvement. We iterated on the interface, addressing user pain points and enhancing the system’s usability.


By applying human-centered design principles, the touch-based wayfinding system for Intel’s MWC 2023 booth provided a seamless and inclusive experience for attendees. Through careful consideration of navigation routes, introduction of micro interactions, user needs, and accessibility guidelines, the system successfully guided visitors to their desired destinations while minimizing cognitive load.

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