The Ghost of the “Blue Lady”: A True Legend.

Eve S Evans
Dark Abyss
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2023

Old Government House is a historic building in Brisbane that is rumored to be haunted. There have been many reported sightings of ghosts over the years. The haunting history of the area makes it a popular destination for paranormal enthusiasts. People have reported seeing strange lights and “orbs” that are believed to be ghosts or spirits. If you’re interested in the paranormal, this is a place you should visit.

The Old Government House in Parramatta Park is one of Australia’s oldest colonial buildings. With its age and history, there are not many wonders why this location could be haunted. However, the ghosts here are not particularly “unfriendly”.

A woman apparition many have seen have dubbed her “The Lady in Blue” and she is sometimes seen with a companion dog. Occasionally she appears in the upstairs window. Most presume she is possibly the daughter of Governor Bligh.

Another spirit often seen around is assumed Lady Fitzroy after she died in a horse and cart accident on December 7, 1847. Her lifeless body was brought into the foyer of the building and many refuse to stand in that exact spot.

This beautiful Homestead is located about an hour from Central Sydney. It is said to have been built between 1799 and 1816. In the early 1990s, the building began offering a popular ghost tour. This tour still runs today on Friday evenings. For being one of the oldest remaining public structures it still holds its charm.


Inside the Old Government House is what has been dubbed “The Blue Room”. Much activity is centered around this room. Maybe it is a portal or a sensitive area, no one can be sure. “The Blue Room” is located at the top of the original wooden staircase. The room has been painted blue (hence its name).

Nearby “The Blue Room” hangs a picture of Mary Bligh, the daughter of the Governor. Some believe she is “The Lady in Blue”. Sometimes she has been seen walking the hall just outside “The Blue Room” with her companion dog in her arms just as in the painting.

One day a workman was isolated in a semi-lit room connecting a chandelier when he peered over at one of the windows and was shocked to see an immaterial face staring back at him. He looked to the window next to it only to see the same creepy face in that window as well. This was one of the first ghost sightings of “The Old Government House.”

Other mysterious things besides “The Blue Lady” have happened over the years at the historic building. Some have had the luxury to chat with the “Lady in Blue”, while others have heard unexplainable voices throughout the dwelling. Another person visually saw the apparition of a man staying beside him in a hallway.

Make sure you check out Eve’s True Crime Podcast, True Whispers — it’s available on all the podcast networks. LISTEN ON APPLE. If reading about true crime is your thing, then get Eve’s new book from Amazon HERE.

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Eve S Evans
Dark Abyss

Content writer transfixed by anything paranormal and unexplained. Focuses on Ghosts, Paranormal and True Crime. Published author & podcaster.