The Dark Bridge

Stefan Zeljko
The Dark Bridge
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2023

The Romans called it Pontum Obscurum.

The Dark Bridge.

The challenging, violent era in which an empire transforms and survives, or disappears in the sands of time, fading into oblivion.

The time of reckoning and catharsis.

The time of struggle.

The time of truth.

The time of change.

Our country already walks on that bridge.

In the darkness, black as our grief, we are facing demons from our past and an uncertain, potentially tragic, future.

We are struggling against enemies unseen in our history, against forces our citizens fail to grasp.

These articles are dedicated to the problems, issues, and social undercurrents many are afraid to write about. They discuss the evils that rip this country apart while we helplessly watch. Their purpose is to educate, illuminate, and yes, in some cases, even save lives.

Most importantly, they examine the reality that most of us do not see.

Or we pretend not to.

So, if you are brave enough to join us, we welcome you.

Your political affiliation is irrelevant.

Your courage to tell the truth is essential.

Let us step on that bridge.

See you on the other side.

