photo by daria lin

Why I Hate Fat People

it’s not why you think

Nathan Ray 雷天賜
Dark / Light
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2013


The Fat are among us. They are those dear to me, they may be you, but they are definitely not I.
I was always called the “skinny-kid”, a title which I have always reviled, just as much as the larger people I am addressing also loath the labels thrust upon them. “Fatty-boombah” was the title of choice for those unfortunate ones when I was a kid. I still don’t know what it means.

So the World is having a meltdown over rising obesity rates, fatty daddy’s having little fatty-boombahs of their own and the cycle inevitably repeating itself until they eat us all alive. Luckily, I’d be nothing more than an appetiser to them.
“It’s the fast food!” they cry, “It’s the videogames!” they decree. The government health and food departments serve up the latest set of contradictory advice all the while people are clutching at straws and flipping between low-carb/low-fat diets and bouts of intense cardio at their local gym and wind up giving having a massive heart attack or a nervous breakdown.
Then you continue to see the aforementioned obese child born into an obese family.
“Oh, you see, it’s genetic. Told you it’s not all that fast food/soft drinks/inactivity”.
I concede that genetics do invariably play a part, which is 20% max. The remaining 80% being diet and lifestyle. What body type you are also comes into play, which is likely an Endomorph if you are overweight.
But ultimately, the reason why you are fat is because YOU ARE WEAK.
Yes, I say it clearly as to not conceal the truth.
You are fat because you’re mind is fat.
And yes it is ALL YOUR FAULT.
Now, if you are happy being fat, go for it. Just don’t whinge about it. Own it, accept it, and continue living what is likely to be a short restricted life.
The reason why I come across as cruel is because I am honest, it is true and it makes me angry when people start blaming the rest of the world for their lives.If we are ever going to get anywhere we need to stop searching for external factors to blame our circumstances on just so we can sleep at night.Simple proof is the fact that people can sue fast food/alcohol/smoking companies for making them ill.
Buddy, Ronald didn’t jam that Big Mac down your gullet your fat little sausage fingers did that!

The sooner you take responsibility for your actions, the sooner you will have the power to change your life.

And the parents of these pudgy kids start the cycle by not educating their children and giving them the power to take responsibility for their actions.
Simply put: you eat shit pseudo-food, you refuse to get off your fat ass then guess what’s coming, the train to Fatsville.All aboard!
The good news is you can buy a ticket back.

The human body is an impressive, albeit flawed machine. But above all, it is highly adaptable and when you provide it with a certain bunch of conditions it will choose the easiest way to prevail. Every time.
So my invitation to my heavier brothers and sisters is this:
- look into your self.
- decide to be better than you are.
- realise that you are.
- and never give that up.
If you say “I don’t know about food” then LEARN.
Read a book (I suggest The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson) or any book on nutrition or lifestyle.
If you say “I can’t do a push up” then KEEP TRYING.
Maybe if you are that encumbered by weight, start walking until you get fitter. The beauty of bodyweight exercises for overweight people is it only gets easier!
If you say “I slipped up and woofed down 10 Big Macs today. I’m a failure”, then GET OVER IT!
Just start again. Let any slip up go and keep focused on that goal.
That’s one thing about life that took me a while to grasp, and that is that it’s never over if you keep trying. But to put it into perspective and make it relevant to this conversation I will say this:
One bad meal won’t make you fat, but many will.”
I can’t recall where I heard that and I’m pretty sure I mangled it a bit.

So in conclusion, I don’t hate fat people for being fat. I am not an arrogant elitist or a vain narcissist (…most the time). I resent their mental weakness of which their obesity is a mere reflection of. I loath that so many people keep their mouths shut and protect people with sweet little bullshit-coated nothings to protect their feelings but ultimately lead them to their miserable demise.

I believe dishonesty is one of the biggest disservices you could do for a person.

I wish for every person on this Earth to be happy. So if it sounds like I am talking to you, then give it a go.
In the end, you lose nothing for trying right?
And I guarantee you that you can succeed.

