a bromance (and maybe a way to be a better you)

Nathan Ray 雷天賜
Dark / Light


Another year is upon us and many begin this new opportunity bearing the weight of an unrealistic self-imposed goal upon their mind.
Mine was to be awesomer. (Awesome-er?)
Yeah, basically to become a better me. Improve the parts of me in need of a touch up or just trim the fat.
Not to “lose weight” or “drink less” which is ironic because many of us began 2014 with an almighty hangover.

If you’re reading this hoping for some sound advice, I’m afraid I’m fresh out.
And if you know me you know I have more questions than answers.
All I can offer is my experience and my thoughts, actually that’s all anyone really “knows”.
And that is almost always wrong. It is all irrelevant without the proper context.

So this is where I sit, a couple days into this year using the past year as a point of reference of who I was and who I will be next.
Or who I want to be.
Who I need to be.

I want:
- to be prosperous in all endeavours I undertake
- to be healthier, stronger, more physically capable than ever before
- to love more and be loved more

Surely most people can relate to that?

I seek to become a physical and spiritual manifestation of these virtues so that everything I touch can carry on this energy and the world will be one of positive change, creation and happiness.

That’s pretty huge.
I must admit that I give myself my entire life to embody these things.

So how in the hell do I do this?
I dunno.
But if I don’t try I’ll never know.

While this thought was tumbling around in my mind, it came to me: WWWSD??
What Would Will Smith Do?

Now that’s an awesome dude. I don’t think it’s even possible to hate him.
He’s been an idol of mine since I watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air as a kid.
Lately, I watched dozens of his interviews on YouTube.
And as inspiring as his work is, the man beneath it is even more inspiring.

In a couple interviews he tells a story of how his father asked him and his brother to build a brick wall. It took something like a year and a half and at the end of it his father said: “don’t ever tell me you can’t do anything.”
They began with the first brick and kept on going.

At this point you may be confused about my man-crush and note I have contradicted myself.
Well, it’s like this.

To me: Will Smith is human proof that you can do anything you want, be successful, remain a good person and have fun.
You can have it all.
Now, I don’t recommend trying to be anyone but to emulate a persons good qualities and be inspired by them.

And whatever you do, have fun.
What if fun is the dowsing rod of life that leads us to where we want to be?
Or where we need to be.
Where we should be.

