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‘Designing Finnishness’

An opening essay for the book ‘Out of the Blue: The Essence and Ambition of Finnish Design’ (Gestalten, 2014)

Dan Hill
Dark Matter and Trojan Horses


Towards the end of 2013, my friend Marko Ahtisaari kindly asked me to write an essay on Finnish design. This was a little daunting, as it was a) for Marko, who I respect greatly, b) about Finnish design, which I can really only claim a kind of foreigner’s passing understanding of, and c) to open a major book about the same, produced by Nokia and published by Gestalten (‘Out of the Blue: The Essence and Ambition of Finnish Design’, edited by Marko Ahtisaari and Laura Housely, Gestalten 2014)

Moreover, although Marko had been working on the book for a while, its final stages of development would end up coinciding with the sale of Nokia’s devices and services division to Microsoft. So the book would also be destined to serve as a kind of informal footnote to a defining modern era — the first wave of mainstream mobile phones, led by Nokia, which has left a mark on pretty much all of us.

So it was not an easy essay to write. But it did give me a chance to draw together the few other things I’ve written about Helsinki, and Finland, and stitch their fragments together into something a little broader, more ambitious. It also gave me the opportunity to reflect on my own time…



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