How to Build an Effective SaaS Marketing Landing Page

Hannah Duckworth
Dark Matter Digital
3 min readAug 8, 2020

Make sure your SaaS marketing page achieves these 3 goals

Building an Effective Marketing Page

SaaS products should have one main goal that surpasses all others when it comes to prospective customers: conversions. Your marketing site should be focused on getting your prospective customers to convert.

Everything that you include on your marketing page should work towards achieving one or more of these three goals:

1. Catch the prospect’s attention

You have about 10 seconds to catch a user’s attention once they reach your webpage, meaning less than that to make an impact. Differentiate yourself from the competition right away. A big, bold statement about what your product does and why it rocks is important to start off with. If you can get them interested here, you can get them to scroll a little father.’s homepage boasts an attention-grabbing and descriptive message immediately

2. Convince them that they need your product to solve their problem

The meat of your marketing site and pre-onboarding process lies in the information you put out on your site. Users aren’t as quick to give up their information to a website as they once were, and given we are much more busy, users are less likely to spend their time signing up for something they aren’t confident in. Your marketing site should answer the following questions in order to convince the user to sign up for your product:

  • What does this product do?
  • Why should I care?
  • How is it different from what others offer?
  • Is there a cost?
  • Is signing up easy?
  • Ok I’m convinced — how do I sign up?

3. Allow them to convert

Once a user decides they want to use your product, signing up should be a no brainer. Place CTA’s throughout your site so that they stand out and are easy to find. It’s best practice to have a CTA in your nav bar, and then at the end of the page, before your footer, as well. Sprinkling signup CTA’s throughout your site with informational tidbits can also help guide the user to the signup process.

Squarespace strategically offers ways to ‘Get Started’ with every small scroll

Let us know your other marketing page tips in the comments below.

Dark Matter Digital is a product studio based out of Seattle, WA.

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