Afghanistan betrayed by the West

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
3 min readAug 16, 2021


Taliban occupy Afghanistan Presidential Palace
Taliban occupy Afghanistan Presidential Palace

This is not Saigon. -- US Sec of State Anthony Blinken

No, it is not Saigon, this is far far worse than Saigon.

US Sec of State Anthony Blinken claims a success. What would be a disaster?

War criminal Jack Straw, one of war criminal Tony Blairs cronies claims success.

Former UK Chief of Defence Staff claims not a failure, Afghanistan was able to form a cricket team.

Afghanistan, the people of Afghanistan, men, women and children, have been betrayed by Joe Biden, he has handed them to the Taliban to be massacred. This will be the legacy of Joe Biden.

The Taliban have never governed Afghanistan, they were Islamic fundamentalist terrorists who seized control of a country. Once again these Muslim fundamentalist terrorists have seized control of a country.

Taliban are no different to ISIS. the only difference, one group of terrorists have a black flag, the other a white flag.

Taliban say they will allow girls an education up to the age of twelve.

Think of the young women in their late teens and early twenties, now subject to repression by the Taliban.

Several years ago, I was with an Afghan filmmaker, who had filmed undercover in Afghanistan. I asked her was it as bad as portrayed in The Bookseller of Kabul. She said no, it was far far worse, women did not exist, half the population did not exist. She said the only advantage of being forced to wear a burqa, she could hid her cameras as she walked around.

The very least, the absolute minimum, the West can do, is offer every woman denied a university education a free university place, and indefinite leave to remain until the evil that is the Taliban is removed.

Women please show solidarity with women in Afghanistan, wear white shoes.

UK Parliament has been recalled for Wednesday. For what, weasel words from politicians who stood by and betrayed Afghanistan? It has taken Pepsi Trump longer to recall Parliament than the Taliban to seize a country.

Afghan Army fled in their armoured vehicles, leaving cities undefended, fled from terrorists armed with Kalashnikovs and RPGs.

A lack of Intelligence on the ground. A repetition of what happened on the ground in Iran. Intelligence supplied by a corrupt regime.

The West propped up a corrupt regime.

Several years ago I conversation with senior military, I was told as soon as we pulled out, it will collapse. It was likened to painting a rotten fence.

NATO aircraft were being charged every time they landed.

Structural changes should have taken place, corruption dealt with. Corrupt officials and their families stripped off their ill-gotten gains.

Are we now seizing assets?

We should not recognise an illegitimate government led by the Taliban.

China will fall over backwards to adopt a client state, as will Russia. That means UN Security Council will not be able to act.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.