Coronavirus travelling circus street food market

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
3 min readSep 19, 2020
Coronavirus travelling circus street food market
Coronavirus travelling circus street food market

Heading into second lockdown with new coronavirus cases doubling every few days let’s bring it on hold a travelling circus street food market in Lincoln High Street.

Stalls from outside the county, disgusting junk food, constrict access within High Street, attract people, then sit back and watch a sharp spike in new covid-19 cases. The only time I have felt the need to wear a face mask in the street.

Should covid-19 deaths be linked back to this market those responsible should face manslaughter charges.

This festival of disgusting junk food should not take place at the best of times, no way should it take places during coronavirus pandemic as we head into a second wave.

Watch a sharp rise in coronavirus cases in a couple of weeks. If lockdown follows, many businesses will not re-open again.

But, the market had an impact today. Businesses in the town centre have to pay a compulsory levy to Lincoln BIG even though they see little if any benefit. Is it an appropriate use of public money to subside this junk food jamboree which gives street food a bad name?

By all means hold a street food festival, but attract quality stalls not invite a junk food travelling circus. And do not hold in the middle of a pandemic.

Loud music from stalls. Why no enforcement?

Saturday one coffee shop saw takings fall by £200. How many other businesses saw a hit to revenue?

What brain-dead jobsworth thought what a wheeze, hold a junk food market in the middle of a pandemic? Christmas market cancelled, Steam Punk Bank Holiday weekend cancelled, South Common fun fair cancelled. Why did this junk food jamboree go ahead?

Why has the director of public health not acted to shut down the market?

It was criminal negligence this disgusting travelling circus of junk food went ahead.

Stalls bringing covid-19 into Lincoln from outside the county, loud music blasting out from stalls, stallholders preparing and serving food not wearing masks, no social distancing at the stalls, High Street jam packed with people.

Christmas market, Steam Punk Festival, South Common fun fair, all cancelled. A travelling circus of junk food as we head into a second wave goes ahead.

Walking through the High Street I was horrified by what I saw. I do not like wearing a mask, but for the very first time I wore a mask in the street, such was the high risk in the High Street.

Local businesses do their best, they limit numbers, all for nothing. A kick in the teeth, local businesses subsidised this covid-19 super spreader through mandatory levy to Lincoln BIG.

Local businesses were hit by loss of trade. One coffee shop I looked in was empty, another told me they lost £200 worth of business on Saturday.

When coronavirus cases rise in a couple of weeks time and Lincoln forced into lockdown, it will be local businesses that will suffer, many fear they will not survive a second lockdown and will not re-open.

Heads should roll. If organise a large gathering will face a £10,000 fine. Those responsible for this coronavirus disaster should be fined. Should any covid-19 deaths be linked to this market those responsible should be charged with manslaughter.

Where were the police, where was the Director of Public Heath? Why was the market not shut down?

Originally published at on September 19, 2020.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.