Facebook declares war on Australia

Were Facebook a state, Facebook would be seen to have declared war on Australia.

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
3 min readFeb 18, 2021


Intimidation of Australia a small insignificant country by Facebook is not acceptable.

This is Big Tech colonisation

Australians awoke to find their news sources cut off, government information, fire service, information on coronavirus, charities, but left untouched fake news. From outside Australia it was not possible to access Australian news sources.

Facebook is a cesspit of fake news. Facebook enabled Trump, enabled the storming of Capital Hill on 6 January 2020.

Facebook is a parasite on the work of creators. The content of facebook is not created by facebook, it is created by its users, by hard working journalists, by news organisations, by musicians, artists, friends sharing pictures. None of this information has been created by faceboook but facebook profits from all these content creators.

Facebooks claims ownership of our data, of the data trails we leave behind.

Facebook is controlling the flow of information.

Marc Zuckerberg a bullying thug. Zuckerberg should be removed from any executive role within Facebook.

Facebook must be broken up, stripped of WhatsApp and Instagram.

When G7 meets, must agree a revenue tax on Big Tech, levied where the revenue is generated. But G7 needs to go much further, there has to be international regulation of Big Tech.

We can all act.

  • do not use instagram or whatsapp
  • overwrite and delete all personal data
  • never tag friends
  • never quiz game survey

Facebook is a threat to democracy.

Were Facebook a state, Facebook would be seen to have declared war on Australia. And that is how it should be viewed, an act of aggression by facebook against a sovereign democratic state. It does not matter what we think of Australia, Australians or the government of Australia, this is an attack on democracy. Australia today, which country next?



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.