Fruit and vegetable stall veg box scheme

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
3 min readApr 11, 2020
fruit and vegatble stall Lincoln Central Market
fruit and vegetable stall Lincoln Central Market

Coronavirus pandemic driving innovation.

Fruit and vegetable stall in Lincoln Central Market offering home deliveries with possibility of veg box scheme in the future.

One of the few businesses still open in the town centre.

The last time I was in Lincoln I jokingly asked the fruit and vegetable stall in Lincoln Central Market were they opening a second stall when I saw fruit and vegetable boxes piled nearby? No, offering a delivery service.

Saturday fewer boxes ready to go out.

For deliveries visit their facebook page S Sharpe & Daughter Fruit and Veg.

An example of how small businesses are innovating to remain in business.

I suggested they continue with a veg box scheme. Currently they pack as per customer order. It may continue as a mix of the two.

If the stall chooses, they know what is in season, what offers best value, and they grow their own produce. For example if cauliflowers are cheap, they may pack two.

The possibility of further expansion. Where there was once an excellent wholefood stall, offer loose muesli, nuts, dried fruits, grains and other dried goods, customers bring in their own containers. Another possibility, freshly made fruit juices and smoothies.

Coronavirus pandemic only three food shops remain open in the town centre, fruit and vegetable stall within the Central Market, a butcher within the side alley, and Pepperdine’s a butcher in Sincil Street. The excellent fishmonger closed a couple of weeks ago as could no longer source fresh fish.

At a loss why anyone wasting their time in a queue like lemmings at a supermarket. Even more so why wait an hour or more when can shop locally?

Support local indie shops, they have what you want, and no queue.

Lincoln City Council who own and mismanage Lincoln Central Market need to take a good hard look at Trinity Market in Hull Old Town, then take measures to improve the market. Why, for example, does the Central Market close its doors at four every afternoon? It should be open until at least five, to give people the opportunity to pop in on their way home from work. Individual traders to close earlier if they wish.

Lincoln City Council needs to do more to support local indie businesses. It cannot return to business as usual. Town centres were already dying. The local council together with the local Co-Op have done their best to trash Sincil Street, a once thriving street of local indie businesses, driving out local businesses, bringing in the same rubbish corporate chains as find anywhere and everywhere.

If we are to rebuild our town centres, it will be through all of us supporting local indie businesses.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.