Jeremy Corbyn headline act at Glastonbury

Jeremy Corbyn given the reception at Glastonbury that most performers could only dream of.

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
3 min readJun 24, 2017


looking out from Glastonbury main stage / Jeremy Corbyn

Mail has become a parody of itself.

A 4×4 is what you use to get around a farm. Not as posers use around Chelsea and Kensington.

No mention of course that Jeremy Corbyn travelled to Glastonbury by train as an ordinary passenger.

Express, another rabid rag, this time owned by a Dirty Des a pornographer, complained Jeremy Corbyn failed to support Armed Forces Day, not true, but then what is the truth when it is more important to run a Jeremy Corbyn smear campaign.

We support our armed forces not with jingoistic parades, but by providing them with the right equipment when we send them into conflict, by supporting when demobbed.

No mention by the BBC that Theresa May was booed when she attended Armed Forces Day in Liverpool.

Later Jeremy Corbyn was pulling pints at the Solstice Bar.

Times they are a changing, as Bob Dylan would have sung.

Tories are complaining of Glastonbury airtime devoted to Jeremy Corbyn and only a few seconds of airtime of Theresa May addressing Armed Forces Day in Liverpool.

Be grateful for small mercies. It required skilled editing by BBC to not show Theresa May booed and heckled.

To describe BBC as pro-Tory bias is to miss the point.

It is not, what it is is the Establishment Broadcaster, that is why, for example, it keeps granting a platform to anti-Corbyn critics within Labour.

I am not saying there is not BBC Bias, far from it, there is massive BBC Bias, I see it every day.

Even if we set aside that Laura Kuenssberg acts as Tory comms director, she is a useless jounalist and rarely knows what she is talking about.

When I watched the Corbyn speech, I thought, Tories must be shitting themselves. Murdoch must be having a fit, and what smears would the rabid Scum now run?

Mail was first off the block, attacking Jeremy Corbyn for driving to the main stage in a 4x4.

Er, that is what you use to get around a farm, that is what a 4x4 is for.

Contrast with the posers who use a 4x4 to drive around Cehlesa and Kensington.

All those people who were at Glastonbury, and it is not only the young, will share with their friends.

But we must do more than change the government, far more, that is only the beginning.

To quote Percy Bysshe Shelley, the final lines of ‘The Masque of Anarchy’.

Rise, like lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number!

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you:

Ye are many — they are few!

Ordinary people must seize control of their local Town Halls, never again, can we have as we had with Grenfell Tower, ordinary people ignored.

Ordinary people must follow the example of Madrid and Barcelona, then create a network across Europe, citizen-controlled Town Halls.

They must change the workplace, move to open co-ops, collaborative commons.

We are now post-capitalism, have been since 2008 when the banks crashed the economy.

The oligarchs are reeling, they do not know what will hit them next.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.