Kyle Rittenhouse: Acquittal of a racist cold-blooded killer

Acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse was a shocking verdict.

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
4 min readNov 21, 2021


Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal — a verdict taht shocked America adn the world
Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal — a verdict that shocked America and the world
Kyle Rittenhouse hero of racists and fascists for shooting Black protesters in cold blood
Kyle Rittenhouse hero of racists and fascists for shooting Black protesters in cold blood

White racist crosses state lines carrying an illegal assault weapon, shoots in cold blood Black protesters.

It would have been different if defending his own property from a violent mob, like the mob that attacked the Capitol earlier this year.

He crossed state lines armed with an illegal assault weapon.

Nor should we forget the Police officers who facilitated the killing.

Then people question why were the Black Panthers formed.

A racist judge facilitated the acquittal by a mainly white jury of a murderer who killed in cold blood.

Wisconsin Judge Bruce Schroeder, who presided over the Rittenhouse trial, consistently made rulings in the best interest of the white gunman. He refused to punish Rittenhouse for violating the terms of his bail; excluded evidence of Rittenhouse’s behaviour before and after the shooting that spoke to his intent and lack of remorse; allowed the defence to mischaracterize the people Rittenhouse killed as “rioters”; yelled at prosecutors in front of the jury; dismissed an illegal gun charge against the gunman; and had the jury clap for one of Rittenhouse’s expert witnesses.

Others might want to argue about why Schroeder was biased toward the defendant (the judge’s MAGA ringtones and off-colour jokes tell you all you need to know about why he was sympathetic to a white gunman who shot up anti–police violence protesters at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement). But that he was biased toward Rittenhouse was obvious to those watching the trial without blinkers.

A racist judge and a predominately white jury are just standard gifts the criminal justice system gives to white boys accused of criminal violence.

Rittenhouse also enjoyed hero status among white supremacists and Republicans as well as favourable media coverage from Fox News and The New York Times.

Fox News will be running a documentary on the racist hero. Racists raised all the money for his defence.

Pause for a moment and imagine a Black teenager crosses state lines, with an illegal semi-automatic weapon, shoots at a rabid mob at a Trump rally. We do not even have to ask what the legal outcome would be. We know without asking. But that is even assuming the case gets to Court. The Black teenager would most likely be gunned down on the street.

This was not a “miscarriage of justice". It was a racist fascist justice system working as intended. This system is designed to free people like Rittenhouse: white vigilantes who kill to maintain the racist status quo. Blacks must not be allowed to rise above their station.

It doesn’t always work It did not work for the killer of George Floyd.

What happened was a mistrial with a judge unfit to preside over the case.

The judge must be removed from the Bench, a mistrial declared.

But what has happened was worse than a mistrial. Racists and fascist are now wanting to see protests on the street as they have just been given the green light to shoot and kill protesters in cold blood.

The Proud Boys, who Rittenhouse posed with before his trial, are weeping tears of joy and gearing up for future street battles.

Fascism thrives on societal breakdown, descent into violence. We have already seen two MPs killed, we see Tories stirring up hatred, in US the slide into fascism has begun with the acquittal of a racist cold blooded killer, a majority white jury presided over by a racist judge. Racists in US now see this as a green light to gun down Black protesters.

Fascism arose in Italy and Germany following political murders.

An analysis of the pro-Rittenhouse hashtags shows something deeply disturbing where their origins are located. Hybrid warfare originating in the EU, China and Russia, deliberately designed to undermine democracy.

Today we have seen Tories speaking in unison, aided and abetted by friends in the media, whipping up hatred against migrants, fear of The Other, a distraction from Tory corruption on an industrial scale.

The battle lines were drawn a few days ago with the sacking of the editor of the Daily Mail for highlighting Tory corruption.

Tories claim migrants are losing them votes. A new one on migrants are stealing jobs.

I have yet to encounter a single person raise concern re migrants. I have had many raise concern corruption and lack of democracy.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.