Lancaster Skies colour edition

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
2 min readFeb 22, 2019
Lancaster Skies director WWII Bomber Command veteran One Show film crew

Last year saw a pre-release screening of Lancaster Skies for WWII veterans of Bomber Command at International Bomber Command Centre.

That was the black and white version.

This was the version the director wished to go on general release but the distributor begged to differ, they wished for colour for general release.

Thursday saw a showing of the the colour edition for a BBC film crew from The One Show, who earlier had been filming around Lincolnshire. Also present two WWII veterans of Bomber Command.

What was their view? This to be revealed on The One Show.

The film looks at a dysfunctional Lancaster crew. They had lost their skipper, killed on the return from a bomber raid by German night fighters.

There are two stories, the main story, how the crew handle a new skipper. There is also an underlying interrelated story which few who watch will be aware of.

The film is of a genre of a series of working class films that were released in the 1960s, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, A Taste of Honey all from the same film studio, Woodfall Films.

For those expecting an action packed video game shoot them up they will be disappointed.


The colours are muted, film grainy, to give it a feel of WWII.

Lancaster Skies will be featured on The One Show, evening Tuesday or Wednesday 26 or 27 February 2019.

Lancaster Skies will then go on general release.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.