London Bridge terrorist attack

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
2 min readJun 5, 2017

As a proud and patriotic British Muslim I say this: you do not commit these disgusting acts in my name. — Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London

Saturday night, a van ploughed into pedestrians on London Bridge, then three men leapt out of the van and attacked with knives people in nearby Borough Market. Within eight minutes, armed police arrived on the scene and the terrorists were cut down in a hail of bullets.

Seven killed, 48 injured.

Prior to the police arrival, ordinary people, unarmed, attacked the terrorists and probably saved more people from being killed or injured.

In many ways a copycat of what happened on Westminster Bridge in March.

The attack less than two weeks after the suicide bomb attack at a concert in Manchester leaving 22 dead, and on the eve of a benefit concert in Manchester.

A sobering and informative account by Paul Mason in an interview for Democracy Now.

A lesson for the BBC which has become a national embarrassment.

Countries across the world, mayors across the world, have pledged support for Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, but not Donald Trump who has once again shown himself to be an ignorant ill-informed arsehole.

Yes, we have to clamp down on Muslim extremists in UK, a view backed by Muslims I talked to today.

That Theresa May has cut the number of police officers by 20,000 officers does not help. When the Police Federation at the time warned of the consequences, they were accused by Theresa May of scaremongering. Local police, bobbies on the beat, are the eyes and ears in the community.

Often the terrorists are not known. In these last three attacks, they were known.

We also have to tackle countries like Saudi Arabia, a country that funds ISIS, exports a perversion of Islam, is waging genocide in Yemen, and is now waging a war of words with Qatar. We must stop supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia. We must stop buying their oil and move to a Green New Deal where we move very rapidly to renewable sources of energy. We must see publication of the government report that links corrupt House of Saud to terrorism.

Only a few days ago, at a hustings in Thanet, a candidate was cut off for highlighting these links.

As the ISIS Caliphate is destroyed, their ideology not.

Three attacks this year. At least five attacks thwarted.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.