Once in a lifetime opportunity for radical political change

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
3 min readJun 7, 2017
Crowd outside Corbyn’s last rally of #GE2017 at Union Chapel in his own Islington constituency. These are the people that couldn’t get in. pic.twitter.com/WwvPh3nQFz

We are not the party of the billionaires. We are not the party of the corporate elite. We are the party of the people. — Jeremy Corbyn

The media today ran a vile smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn.


Because there is a very good chance that someone decent, who acts for ordinary people, may well by the end of tomorrow become Prime Minister.

This will only happen if everyone makes the effort to get out and vote.

We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to cause a political earthquake, to effect real political change.

Or do you wish to see

  • students start out in life with massive debts
  • continued harassment of the poor and disabled
  • elderly stripped of their winter fuel allowances
  • waiting times grow to see a doctor
  • collapse of NHS
  • our environment destroyed
  • elderly forced to sell the family home to finance care
  • pensions frozen
  • VAT rise
  • wealth transferred to the rich
  • increase in rail fares
  • increase in water, electricity and gas bills

Or do you wish to see a fairer society

  • students granted free education
  • increase in minimum wage
  • end of zero hours contracts
  • end of exploitation by companies like Uber, Deliveroo, Sports Direct
  • rail taken back into public ownership
  • gas and electricity taken back into public ownership
  • corporations pay their fair share of tax
  • tax dodging stopped

For many working in the NHS it is quite literally a matter of life and death.

Same for the Police, they are stretched to breaking point.

Theresa May called the General Election. In doing so, she showed contempt for the Fixed Term Parliament Act. She thought she could rely on Labour MPs, fake-left Guardian, to sabotage Jeremy Corbyn.

It looks like she has made a fatal mistake. It looks like the Tory Party will be holding yet another leadership election.

Theresa May called an election, but then once again showed contempt for the people.

She could not be bothered to addressed ordinary people, invite only, careful screening.

She has come across as a badly programmed robot.

BBC bias was appalling.

BBC reported Theresa May started the last day of campaigning at a market.

BBC did not report met with boos.

Contrast that with Jeremy Corbyn.

A few days ago, a massive rally in Gateshead. Tonight in Islington, where he is holding a final rally at Union Chapel, one cannot move in Islington.

For the last seven years there has been despair. What we are seeing now is hope.

It is the hope we saw with the Arab Spring, the hope we saw with the Athens Spring.

The Arab Spring has been crushed with Fascist Islam and Fascist dictators.

The Athens Spring was crushed by the EU and the European Deep State, for fear of what they saw as a contamination that would spread across Europe.

But what you cannot crush is an idea.

What happens is up to you.

It is for you to get out and vote, to encourage friends and family to get out and vote.

With Jeremy Corbyn we have a once in a lifetime opportunity for radical political change.

But it will only happen if you make it happen.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.