Riot by black bloc

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
2 min readOct 30, 2018
anarchists attacking ATM

Following protest by students, a riot by black bloc.

It materialised out of nowhere and just as rapidly dispersed. Then Athens returned to normality.

First ATM machines were smashed, then traffic lights, rocks and bombs thrown, bins dragged into the middle of the street and set ablaze.

Why the riot I do not know. There certainly was a lot of anger and seemingly mindless violence. This a country that has been brutally destroyed by EU.

When I tell people the garbage that is spouted by supporters of EU in England they start laughing. Especially that leaving the EU is a betrayal of young people.

To see betrayal of young people visit Athens and talk to the young people on the street, their future, their country, destroyed by the EU.

60% youth unemployment, and that is not counting students and those doing compulsory military service. Nor is it counting the tens if not hundreds of thousands of young people who have left Greece, probably never to return.

There is a lot of anger on the streets, anger at EU for destroying Greece, anger at Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for betraying his country.

Report from Reuters false on several counts

  • not Syntagma
  • no riot police
  • no tear gas
  • no journalists
  • not students

I was in the middle of it. There were no riot police. They held back. It was not students, it was black bloc.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.