Theresa May government

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
7 min readJul 16, 2016


The coverage on BBC Radio 4 PM Wednesday was weird, it was as though a coronation was taking place. In hushed tones, we we were told that the David Cameron cavalcade was on its way, it had reached Buckingham Place, he was greeted by a palace flunky, whisked inside. Would tender his resignation.

Theresa May on her way, would be asked by The Queen to form a government, Theresa May was on her way back, was now in Downing Street, now she was giving a speech.

The speech gave every impression of being written by Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell. But then we have been here before, the Francis of Assisi recitation by Maggie Thatcher.

If we look at her appointments, we have not had a new Prime Minster, we have had a Tory coup, a new government without an election.

I have no problem with Boris Johnson at the Foreign Office. He is capable. The Foreign Office needs someone to stir them up a bit.

The appointment of Boris Johnson once again illustrates political pundits talk garbage and have not a clue what they are talking about. Only two weeks ago, he was being written off. He is now in a good position to take over from Theresa May when she goes.

Good riddance economic illiterate George Osborne. He was a disaster for the economy, and more so for the poor who have had to bear the brunt of austerity.

If I forecast the weather, the weather does what the weather does. If I get it wrong, I look a fool.

If the Chairman of the Fed makes a crass remark, the markets go into a tailspin.

George Osborne did not talk down the economy, he foretold economic Armageddon, backed up by a dodgy dossier from the Treasury. He threatened the country with economic terrorism if people voted to leave the EU.

If the economic outlet does not look bright, businesses do not invest.

Good riddance Michael Gove, a nasty specimen of humanity, unfit to hold any public office.

Good riddance too, Nicky Morgan, a disaster for education.

But, Jeremy Hunt should have gone. A huge mistake keeping him.

One of the biggest mistakes was appointing Andrea Leadsom to environment. She denies the existent of climate change, wishes to sell off our forests, bring back fox hunting. Also a lost opportunity. Zac Goldsmith should have been appointed to environment.

Will Brexit fail? There is no reason why it should.

We already have the EU junta trying to dictate to the UK, which only serves to emphasise the UK was wise to leave.

It all depends upon the EU.

Greece was punished and the country destroyed for having the audacity to challenge the EU. What then of the UK, that has not only had the audacity to challenge the EU, but has dared to leave, possibly triggering break up of the EU, what punishment to be meted out to serve as a lesson to others? Brexit cannot be seen as cost free, otherwise other countries will be queuing up to leave.

The statues quo, existing trading relations remain in place, is the best option, not only for the UK, but also for Europe. The French will wish to sell us their wine and cheese (UK is largest market for Champagne), Germany their cars.

Minimum would be WTO Most Favoured Nation status. Minimum tariffs on trade.

As Tim Martin chairman of JD Wetherspoon has pointed out (Wetherspoon News Summer 2016), we do not need trade deals to trade.

Part of the economic Armageddon, was the long list of companies that would pull out of the UK, one example cited was Siemens.

Siemens has jut announced one of the biggest investments in the UK, a large offshore wind farm in the North Sea. This was not long after Boeing announced their commitment to the UK.

At the end of the day, businesses is business. Companies are not wishing not to do businesses with one of the largest economies in the world.

EU, in its stupidity, may decide to wage a trade war. If it did, EU would come off worse, countries in southern Europe that have already been devastated by the EU would be turned into wastelands, it would trigger not only a recession across Europe but a world recession that could last a generation.

What Brexit has shown, is how out of touch are politicians. We cannot allow a handful of politicians to decide a post-Brexit future.

The Labour leadership elections, disaster as it is, should be seen as an opportunity to hold discussions across the country on what a post-Brexit future will be.

Immigration, an intelligent discussion, freedom of movement of people never envisaged mass movement of people. Within that discussion, the rights of EU citizens living n the UK to remain in the UK must be guaranteed. They cannot be used as expendable pawns in any discussion with the EU.

Brexit is already having an impact. Energy companies are hiking prices, using falling pound as the excuse. A shop selling clothes and suitcases, is seeing 25% hike from suppliers, falling pound the excuse. The same shop, has people buying suitcases in tears, saying their holiday is now costing them a few hundred pounds more. Cyprus, already seeing a collapse in its tourist industry, this season, prior to Brexit, restaurants almost empty, tourists exchanging a fiver at a time. That was before Brexit, what impact now? A travel company, Lowcost Holidays, has gone bust, citing Brexit and falling pound as the reason. Shares in airlines have gone into free fall, travel companies have also seen a fall in share price.

The two coup plotters who are standing against Jeremy Corbyn are not fit to lead the Labour Party.

Angela Eagle crass comment

Angela Eagle lacks even the support of her own local party. Her hands are dripping with the blood of the Iraq War. She voted for the Iraq War opposed an Inquiry into the Iraq War.

Owen Smith hard line Blairite

Owen Smith is little better, PR, lobbyist for major US pharmaceutical company, special adviser. He was parachuted into a safe Labour seat, they wisely told him to sling his hook.

They’ve pulled a Wonga on us

The behaviour of Labour NEC is not acceptable.

Next time we criticise rigged elections in another country, they will simply point to the level of corruption in the Labour Party.

Come the General Election, this will be used by other parties as to why Labour is unfit to be a party of government.

Labour NEC has disenfranchised around 130,000 Party members.

Labour has votes for sale.

Local parties are barred from meeting.

We do not know why Brighton has been suspended, as the local party has not been told, but the suspicion has to be, because they are pro-Corbyn.

Imagine the outcry in the mainstream media if a local party that supported Angela Eagle was suspended. Not that it would be easy to find one, even her own local party has opposed her.

Local parties across the country must meet in defiance of Labour NEC, or if they are not prepared to go that far, hold an informal meeting, and pass a Vote of No Confidence in Labour NEC.

If local parties are unable to meet, how can they hold leadership hustings, how can they decide who they wish to back?

It is Labour NEC that must be dissolved and fresh elections to Labour NEC.

Labour NEC would do credit to Robert Mugabe.

The coup plotters, come a General Election, must be de-selected. They chose war then let us take war to them, but in a comradely fashion, no lynchings, no bricks through windows, no abuse.

What we are seeing is not Left v Right or Jeremy Corbyn v Labour MPs. What we are seeing is the Members v Labour Establishment, the 99% v the 1%.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.