Vegan quasi-religious fundamentalists target Hisbe

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
2 min readJan 14, 2019
vegan quasi-religious fundamentalists target Hisbe / Brighton Argus

I have decided not to accept speaking engagements at conferences if DxE is also on the platform. The major reason is that I believe it works as a cult. — Carol Adams

An act of unbelievable crass stupidity when vegan quasi-religious fundamentalists target Hisbe, an ethical food store.

Where next, Infinity Foods, a workers cooperative? Maybe not, Infinity Foods bake vegan cakes and where would we be without vegan cakes?

Maybe do something useful, target and shut down McDonald’s or a halal kebab shop.

Or try targeting M&S or Waitrose for wrapping fresh produce in plastic.

The protest at Hisbe was organised by the Brighton faction of DxE that has spread worldwide out of San Francisco Bay Area.

Carol Adams has refused to share a platform with DxE who she has described as a cult

Note: Vegan fundamentalists who harassed and intimidated staff and customers have now been banned from Hisbe. Other ethical stores should follow suit and ban these vegan fundamentalists.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.