We are the 97%

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
2 min readMar 24, 2021
I am part of the 97% I was 11 No excuse
I am part of the 97% I was 11 No excuse

Last Friday I found a couple of women chalking on the street.

Why I do not know, and lacked the time to stop and ask.

Later at the weekend I learnt on Look North they were writing of their own experience of sexual harassment, then on Monday, one spoke of whilst she was writing she was being abused and harassed by men passing by, which only served to underline the point they were making.

Lincoln City Council have stated they will not wash off the messages. How generous (I am being sarcastic).

In a recent survey, 97% of women claim they have been sexually harassed or abused, and as some of the messages showed, often from a very early age whilst they were still children. Not a very good reflection of society and how women are treated.

The vigil for Sarah Everard the previous weekend, many of those present told similar stories. The vigil was broken up by heavy-handed Met Police, many of the women assaulted. Sarah Everard, on the same day, a serving Met Police Officer appeared in Court charged with her kidnap and murder.

A couple of days ago, a serving police officer, a different police force, received a slap on the wrist for attacking a woman as she walked home, the police force dragged their feet investigating the attack.

I found yesterday, messages on Steep Hill as I walked down, many more when I reached the High Street.

I am part of the 97% I was 11 No excuse



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.