1 Fundamental of Success I Did Not Know About But You Can Use It Now

Sandeep thakur
Inspiring Minds
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2024


This is a basic requirement for success

There are small and big circles. The big circle depicts the failures and the small circle depicts the success. This is the way to get success. you need to fail more to get success.
Illustration by author

To be successful, you may need to do a lot. You may have to:

  • Work hard
  • Plan and strategize
  • Create goals and vision
  • Find your why, etc.

But what I’ve learned about success is that you need to be ready to fail more than you want to.

Most of the time, success is not in our hands.

For example, if you want to go for an interview, getting selected in that interview is not in your hand. The interviewer will select you only if he finds what he is looking for in you.

But if you fail in an interview and stop applying to other companies, you may never get any job.

Only by failing can you get an idea about where to improve, where you lack, and what to say next time.

This applies everywhere. No matter what you do, you need to be ready to fail more, as someone told me a few days back: “A successful person failed more than a failure person ever tried.”

How to fall into life with failure

This is just a perception.

Stop looking at the failure as the end of the world.

Once I was sitting in a workshop. After class, One person stood up and said to the professor that his coming to the workshop was a waste of time.

Professor who was picking up his books to keep them in his bag stopped and looked at him.

He asked him “What happened, was it not a great workshop?”

The boy hesitated a bit and said, “ No, it was a great class but I did not get the chance to ask you questions that is why I think It was not the right decision to come here.”

The professor smiled, “ Son, have you not learned anything today?”

“I have learned a few things.” the boy said.

“Then how come it was a waste of time?” The professors sat on the chair knowing that this may take more time. “It would have been a failure if you did not grow. but if you grow that means you are successful.”

This is what most of us do. If we don’t get the desired result. We think we did not grow. But If we learn from failure, they are just good lessons.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for reading.

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Hi, I am Sandeep Thakur, I write to help you design your life to live it the way you want to live. You can follow me (Sandeep Thakur)



Sandeep thakur
Inspiring Minds

Having a purpose and designing my life. Sharing my learnings so that you can do the same. Create your life.