Apps Won’t Help You Manage Your Time Better

Your framework will, though.

Marcus Cervantes
Inspiring Minds
4 min readJul 16, 2024


Lala Azizli on Unsplash

There are many great time management tools that people from all walks of life use to manage their time.

However, these tools are only as important as the individual's system and the habits they incorporate into managing their time.

Downloading a time management app, buying a planner, or setting reminders on your phone is a great first step but there’s a little more to master the art of taking control of your life with time management.

I love it when people tell me ‘I got a planner!’ and then it sits on their tabletop gathering dust.

“I wish there were more hours in the day” — I have a surprise for you.

If you manage your time and prioritize your tasks you will get everything that you need to get done in the day.

My intent with this blog is to get the wheels turning in your brain because I’ve heard a few popular excuses.

“I have kids”, “I work full-time”, “I have too much on my plate” etc...

These are valid reasons to feel like you don’t have control of your life but I’m here to tell you, yes you do.

You have the power to change your life, to dedicate your time efficiently and effectively and you have the power to improve your life with time management.

Time Management — What is it?

Time management is a skill set that is valued in the workplace, however, time management tools focus on the underlying skillset of being able to manage time.

People download these tools and feel frustrated when they feel like they’re still not managing their time effectively. Miss deadlines, important call-backs, client meetings, family events, etc.

The most effective time management tool you can develop is yourself. You are the system and if you do not have your system developed to your liking, important tasks will fall through the cracks.

Time management is a skill to prioritize tasks. That’s it. That’s the basic definition of time management.

Many theories out there discuss how to effectively manage time but the simplest method is to identify urgent tasks and important tasks.

  1. ) High-priority task simply means if it is not done by today there will be consequences tomorrow.
  2. ) Low-priority tasks simply mean you have a deadline at some point during the week, month & year.

If you can identify these two tasks, you can effectively manage and allocate your time around these action steps

The key to managing your time is sharpening your awareness skills.

What are awareness skills?

Developing your awareness skills is an exciting task so that you can fully understand how you use your time throughout the week. The better self-awareness you have, the better you’re able to manage your time throughout the day.

Mapping out your awareness

1.) Understand that time is a limited resource. Your time is valuable and you decide how you spend it.

2.) You need to find your peak performance. When are you most productive? When are you least productive? How can you utilize this knowledge to better manage your time?

3.) Track how you use your time. Map out how you spend your week, and take an honest inventory of what you do hour by hour each day. Then see if you can make small incremental adjustments to your schedule.

Adopt This Framework

There are many tools and theories regarding time management. However, I find that being able to identify high-priority tasks and low-priority tasks is the simplest method to gain an understanding of time management.

Once you understand your high-priority task and low-priority task, you can then decide what tasks you want to accomplish first.

For me personally, If I know I have a huge deadline I want to work on the high-priority task first and then allocate time to the lower-priority task.

Keep it Simple

I was first introduced to time management while taking an effective leadership class with Morrell & Associates.

I had just started at a local non-profit a year after college and my time management was a mess. I was starting to feel overwhelmed at work and in my personal life.

Implementing a time management system in my life has been a lifesaver, especially during that time when I was running campaigns, events & donor lunches.

However, it doesn’t have to be complicated, nor should it.

Try writing things down. It’s powerful & effective.

It doesn't have to be a fancy planner, a good old notebook will do. Find a system that works for you.

I’m old school in I write everything down in my planner (phone calls, important dates, my work schedule, self-care time, etc). I don’t advocate using technology but I understand it can be a powerful ally for some.

Just do what works for you and develop that system.



Marcus Cervantes
Inspiring Minds

Marcus is passionate about habit building, time management, goal setting & personal development.