Believe in Yourself

Inspiring Minds
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2024


The to-do list of your life is always in your mind, but what often holds you back is a lack of confidence, trust, and belief in yourself.

Sometimes you know exactly what you want to do, but it never comes out of your mind and you never act on it. It remains a thought, eventually fading away, leaving behind nothing but regrets.

If you find yourself trusting your surroundings more than yourself, that’s why your to-do list remains unchecked. You give too much importance to others’ opinions, thinking things are beyond your control, bound by the expectations of those around you. This happens because you trust others more than you trust yourself.

Remember, every success starts from within. Once you begin to believe in yourself, you’ll start searching for what you truly want to do. Gradually, you’ll reach a point where you begin to take action for your dreams.

When you start listening to your gut, you get to know yourself better and ultimately achieve what you’ve always wanted to. The key is to keep working and keep doing, consistently.

There are days when you don’t feel like doing anything, and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself, because in the end, that’s what truly matters.

If you fall down, get up. And if you fall again, don’t be scared — because you will rise again.

Don’t listen to people, be it you blood relations or the people of the society . If the thing bothers you ! and if you want to achieve something which is not illegal you think its good for you in all aspects GO FOR IT!! Let people be their way eventually when you will be successful ,same people discouraging you will be praising you.

I captured this while reading and cold coffee is a must.

