Birthdays and a Sense of Purpose

John Eesuola
Inspiring Minds
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2024
Photo by Yosef Futsum on Unsplash

I recently turned 22, and this milestone has prompted a deep reflection on my life. Despite many things seeming to go wrong, few are quietly going right — perhaps the most important ones. Beneath the turmoil, are blessings in disguise, patiently waiting to be acknowledged.

The last birthday I celebrated was when I turned 18. Life wasn’t perfect then, but I still had a handle on it. Since then, every other birthday has passed in a blur. I celebrated ghost birthdays, and at one point, I was so deeply engulfed in my plight that I couldn’t even remember my birthday. I disconnected myself from everyone and everything, even those physically close to me felt distant. This all changed on my journey from 21 to 22.

Breaking The Cycle

For years, I believed birthdays should only be celebrated if one had accomplishments or at least made progress. Since I couldn’t find any in mine, I isolated myself and declared myself unworthy of celebration. But on my 21st birthday, I decided this had to stop. I was tired of merely surviving, waiting for something great to happen before I could truly feel alive.

On that day, I decided to play football for the first time in about a decade. Despite my fear of ridicule for my likely poor performance, I played anyway and even scored. I got a torn trouser as a souvenir for my decision to start living again. From then on, I committed to stepping out of my comfort zone. I applied for a public post, taught others, gave presentations, and undertook a series of other daunting tasks for an introvert like me. The pressure was immense, but it pushed me to improve continuously.

On Growth

Speaking of achievements, in this last phase of my life, I’ve been able to:

1. Find meaning and purpose.

2. Appreciate the input and impact of others while building meaningful connections.

3. Contribute positively to people’s lives.

4. Become a self-taught writer (with some flaws).

5. Gain more confidence in public speaking.

6. Become a reader and develop a good reading habit.

7. Continuously evolve through lifelong learning.

8. Tackle neck-stifling challenges.

9. Be more vulnerable.

10. Successfully remain single (really proud of this one).

This last year marked a significant turning point in my life. It came with two years’ worth of growth tucked into one. It has been a wonderful journey of self-discovery, navigating through love, pain, laughter, moods, prayers, hopes, introspection, wishes, and more. I would never trade it for anything.

Celebrating 22

This year’s birthday was different. I could feel the love in the air. The wishes, jokes, prayers, and support from family and friends were overwhelming. It was a testament to being worthy of love. To make it more interesting, I randomly phoned people, including old friends. They gave me nostalgic feelings and really made this one stand out.

As if the day couldn’t get any better, I received a big gift through Medium. I don’t get many comments, but this one was more. It gave my writing purpose and made me feel like I was contributing to others’ lives. I was so awestruck by the comment that I couldn’t reply immediately. It rekindled my inspiration.


This new age is scary, challenging, and also exciting with you guys around.

To my family, I am eternally thankful for the foundation you provided, for your unwavering support, and for the countless sacrifices you made. You’ve been my greatest strength.

To my friends, you have been my companions, my confidants, and, for some, a pain in the ass. Each of you holds a special place in my heart, and I cherish the memories we have created together. Thank you for believing in me and for pushing me to reach my potential.

To my romantic partner…

I’m also grateful for the inspiration from all the thought leaders I encountered this past year. You’ve had a huge impact on my life.

To everyone who took a moment to wish me well on my birthday, your kindness and thoughtfulness have touched me deeply. Your messages were not just words; they were hallmarks of emotions.

To the banks, websites, email, and social media, thanks.

To me, thank me for becoming myself. It’s been an incredible journey so far.

And to the words that were never said, feelings never expressed, ideas killed, opportunities missed, opportunities grabbed, mistakes made, failures had, and progress made; To the very obscure areas of life and the ethereal abodes, cheers!

As I look to the future, I do so with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit eager for what lies ahead. Here’s to the journey ahead, to new adventures, and to the enduring bonds that make life so incredibly beautiful. Thank you all for being a part of my story.



John Eesuola
Inspiring Minds

On a path to unlocking full potential. Walk with me.