😇Fortune Smiles Upon Me This Year!

Nekbakht Mubarak
Inspiring Minds
Published in
5 min readMar 10, 2024

Here’s Why!

I feel like I am on top of the world!😊 I feel like sharing the transformative journey that is giving a new meaning to my life these days.

It is marked by discovery, learning, and the noticeable fruits of years of dedicated practice.

Without any doubt,

From the very beginning, this year stands out as one of the most fulfilling and rewarding chapters of my life.

Here’s why!

Can’t Thank God Enough

Gratitude towards the Almighty knows no bounds. But, this year, I am grateful that I am feeling a pleasant shift and a rise in my consciousness.

Photo by Stephanie Klepacki on Unsplash

I have a strong feeling that I am finally blessed!🙏

The blessings bestowed upon me by a higher power have been abundant — courage, vision, motivation, healing, understanding, and enlightenment, to name a few.

The list is extensive, and all I had to do was follow a simple mantra:

Ask, Believe, Be receptive, and Receive.

Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

Every Day is Raining with so Many Opportunities

My days begin with anticipation and excitement to see a hidden or apparent opportunity in store for me.

I eagerly await the beginning of each new day like a happy child. I expect wonderful possibilities to manifest.

The satisfaction derived from most of the experiences throughout the day is very soothing and encouraging.

Photo by Amber Weir on Unsplash

Every Thought Seems to be a Great Investment.

My perception of thoughts has undergone a profound shift. Each thought now holds significant value for me. It serves as a foundational building block for the realization of my dreams.

I have finally realized the true value of every thought.👍

I have understood this universal truth:

The power to shape my destiny lies in the appreciation of positive thoughts.

Now, there is no room for waste or negativity.😄


If I ever find myself thinking or feeling negatively, I immediately change my mindset.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

I say three positive affirmations that are opposite to my negative thoughts to counteract their effect.

I feel grateful to be able to cultivate positive thoughts and emotions through mindful breathing techniques.

Finally Discovered the Ideal Daily Routine

The discovery of an ideal daily routine has added structure and purpose to my life.

My day starts with extended meditation, followed by brisk yoga ( I love doing Surya Namaskar). Then I am already so energetic to prepare breakfast for me and my family. And, I happily organize living spaces.

Photo by Alyson McPhee on Unsplash

From mid-day, I sit for engaging in content writing and spending quality time with family outdoors. I peacefully conclude the day with meditation and a workout that have become integral components of my fulfilling routine.

I prefer to spend more time near nature and greenery on weekends. Therefore, on Saturdays and Sundays, I settle for new and amazing natural attractions.

My personal favourite is spending time on the beach.😄

Photo by Timur M on Unsplash

Leaving Behind Social Media Entertainment/ Hangouts

I call it a liberating choice! 😇

I am almost successful in breaking free from the clutches of online entertainment. I no longer wish to indulge in digital clutter or meaningless online engagements.

I have to admit; that sometimes the temptation to watch something spicy is too strong. But, I drag myself to healthy food for my mind and soul.

I selectively choose content that brings peace, joy, and spiritual upliftment.

I am getting better and better at fostering a healthier mental environment.

learned the Value of My Energy Savings

I call it a game-changer! 😍

I have come to recognize the value of energy conservation. Previously, I allowed negative impulses and interactions to drain my energy like vampires. Now, I refrain from entangling myself in unnecessary arguments.

Even if you tell me 1+1=5, you are absolutely correct, enjoy!👍

Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

You may wonder why!

Well, if I step backward in an argument, I literally allow the universe to respond. My focus is directed towards maintaining a positive and uplifting energy throughout the day.

The best part is that I am getting success after success (and a few not so-good outcomes) in this exciting journey of self-transformation.

Financial Abundance at Last

When I calculate the incoming flow of money, I claim satisfaction. 😇

I am working as a content writer for multiple companies. It has taken me into the realm of four-digit earnings in dollars. Achieving peace and contentment with my salary has been a huge accomplishment.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

I've started using medium.com as a side hustle to showcase my work and share my insights, experiences, and wisdom. I'm also happy to read the amazing stories and wisdom of other talented writers on this platform.

A Remarkable Year

It has only been a few months since the start of this year, yet it has already brought transformation, gratitude, and achievement.

I have a strong sense that great accomplishments and successes will continue to unfold each day.🙏

I feel so proud and enthusiastic! Finally, I am on my way to a success that I can call success.

It feels like I am now reaping the rewards of years of effort in nurturing and cultivating my inner and outer worlds.

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Thank you, God, for showering so many blessings from the beginning of this year.

May God bless everyone with great success, health, wealth, wisdom and enlightenment. Amen.



Nekbakht Mubarak
Inspiring Minds

Passionate about writing, I explore sports, travel, food, yoga, devotional literature, mental & emotional health, self-improvement, spirituality & more...