How I Overcame From Past and Learned to Build My Future

Your past have no power over you

Sandeep thakur
Inspiring Minds
3 min read1 day ago


a depiction of how good story influence our mind for good future. How bad story create a bad future.
image created by author

“Your past is just a story. And once you realize this, it has no power over you.”

― Chuck Palahniuk

What is done is done.

My girlfriend left me when I was in college, and trust me, it was the most traumatic experience of my life. I had no power in me. I was as good as a dead inside person. I used to blame myself for the end of the relationship.

I lived in self-pity for years and I did not know how to come out of it.

This may have happened to you also; you may have had an incident with your parents, an accident, anything. This is life, and most of the time, it is unpredictable.

where the past exists?

The past is in memories.

We experience something; that experience shapes our beliefs, emotions, and perceptions of ourselves and things around us.

Sometimes these events have a lasting impact on our lives, resulting in causing pain, resentment, or feelings of injustice.

What gives the past power?

A boy looking himself and seems unhappy
Photo by Leohoho on Unsplash

The past lies in your story.

We have a tendency to pretend, interpret things according to our thinking, but we also have the ability to reinterpret it.

For example, instead of continuously blaming your parents for the lack of support in your education, you can see the reality that they did their best in the situation, circumstances they were in, and if you had been in their place, you would have done the same things.

You can reframe the story. This will help you slow down in life and solve the problems you have in life.

Past self letters

Write a letter to your past self.

When you write a letter to your past self, you can offer compassion and guidance. You can say that the experience you had in the past has no power over you. Now, you are strong and wise. In the past, you were a kid and you did not know how to deal with the problem, but not now.

You are strong enough to manage things on your own.

This will empower you to believe in yourself, and you will be able to manage your past, present, and future.

Finally, changing past means altering the perspective of the events. by doing so, we can release ourself from the grip and regrets of the past. This will lead to healing and peace.

After all, our future is build on what we think and do in the present, not what we did in the past.

Thanks for reading.

Download my free eBook Design A Happy Life.

Hi, I am Sandeep Thakur, I write to help you design your life to live it the way you want to live. You can follow me (Sandeep Thakur)



Sandeep thakur
Inspiring Minds

Having a purpose and designing my life. Sharing my learnings so that you can do the same. Create your life.