I am Who I am & That is Enough

Inspiring Minds
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2024

I pride myself on the values I have set for my life. I have come to terms with being the minority for as long as it resonates with my values. Peer pressure? I only do things that align with my soul whether it makes sense to the people around me or not. I have chosen to live life on my own terms. Needless to say, but one of my greatest values is “authenticity.” I have pledged to walk in any room as I am. What you see is what you get with me. You either embrace who I am or not. I have come to the realization that I can’t please everyone, and that’s totally okay. It’s not my job to do so, but my tribe and those who understand me will always find me no matter where I go.

I remember a time when I felt the weight of other people expectations pressing down on me. You have to understand that staying true to yourself is a constant battle amidst the noise of opinions and judgments that will be thrown at you because everyone thinks they know better how you should live your life. But sooner or later you have to stand up for yourself, believing that your authenticity is worth more than any fleeting approval. Each day that you get to do this life thing, you have to make choices that reflect your true self even when they lead you down a path less travelled.

There will be moments of loneliness. Times when you will wonder if staying true to yourself is worth the solitude. Yet, in those quiet moments, you will find a deeper connection with your own spirit such that you will learn to value your own company and trust your own judgment. Before you realize it, the right people will begin to enter your life, drawn by the genuine energy that you radiate.

You will walk into a crowded room, a place buzzing with the hum of conversations and laughter with sort of a divine energy surrounding you. Whilst in the past, you might have felt the need to blend in, to mold yourself into someone more palatable. But not this time. You will hold your head high, your heart open, and let your true self shine.

When I chose to be authentic with myself, it didn’t take long for like-minded souls to find me. I have connected with great people over shared values and deep, meaningful conversations. These are people who appreciate me for who I am, not for who I tried to be in the past.

As time goes on, you too will notice a shift within yourself. The fear of judgment and rejection will no longer have power over you and you will walk through life with confidence, embracing every aspect of your own being. This journey isn’t about fitting in or gaining approval; it is about honouring your true self and finding strength in that truth.

Reflecting back on my path, I am filled with peace. I am surrounded by a tribe that values and supports me. I have learned that authenticity attracts authenticity, and that is where true connection lies.

The truth is, “I am who I am, and that will always be enough”.

Written by,

Jeff Waziski.



Inspiring Minds

When my story is told, let it be known that I'd never fold. I took my time, I gave my soul.