I want your help

Luqman Khan
Inspiring Minds
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2024
Photo by clement proust on Unsplash

This isn’t me some weird marketting strategy to get you to read. All I want is your help, because, I’m not trying to help build an audience but a community.

Not an audience that just consumes and doesn’t care about the creator and other fellow listeners. But, I want to create a community in which, like a conversation, everyone is involved.

Photo by Adam Kool on Unsplash

For the last weeks or even months I haven’t really been on here because I’m struggling. I don’t know how to break past my additions but what I found out so far is to keep only 1 thing to do in a day, thus, I feel less stressed. I really less on my bad habit, and to also do 1 new thing a day, pushing past my comfort zone. It gives every day a sort of joy of something new.

Those are my two tips also going to an environment like the park or library and doing stuff there rather than home, for me at least, reduces thoughts of the bad habit. I feel less worried and more at peace.

Photo by Goutham Krishna on Unsplash

I’ve taken quite a long break. And I want you to give any recommendations/helps in the comments of maybe what you found out in your life. I’m quite lost. And I hope I helped you too. Also, if anyone knows I feel as if, if I focus on others it would help more with my bad habit, rather than trying to get better, try to make a persons life better and that helps you in a way. I’m not sure, so I ask for clarification and other answers.

Thanks for being here… I hope I can be with you if you ever need it.



Luqman Khan
Inspiring Minds

I am on the ship of life sailing in an ocean of the unknown. I too do not know much, often times the journey ahead is unclear, so, I shall offer the moonlight.