Woman’s Day



She is….

Picture Credit : Canva

She is privileged

Not by her face, riches or position

Not by her race, gender or religion

She is privileged

Not because she has no pain, fall or fears

Not because she has no crisis, pressures or worries

She is privileged

Not by luck, fate or destiny

Not by chance, jackpot or lottery

She is privileged

Because of her mindset

She solves problems that the rest fret

She is privileged

Because of her will

She gets there atop every hill

She is privileged

Because she is ready for change

She is my inspiration for every stage

Brindha Venkataramani

About me and my books



Brindha Venkataramani
Inspiring Minds

A Software professional who writes on subjects related to Happiness and well-being in general. https://medium.com/@brindhav/about-me-052aa6a662b4