The Easiest Way to Feel Fulfilled, Happy, and Satisfied In Life

An experience that I can not forget

Sandeep thakur
Inspiring Minds


Gratitude representation. There is a circle that is life. One side is good and one side is not bad. With gratitude we focus on the good part of our life and with bad we focus on the bad.
Image created by the author

In 2019, I was dissatisfied with my life.

I had everything yet nothing. I was not happy with my job, my family made me sad, and I did not have the power to do anything in life and I was living a life of a victim.

I was a person who used to ask all the time “Why me?”, “Why this is happening to me? “

The event

One of my friends was aware of my situation and he insisted I go with him to an event of a very famous Indian motivational speaker. Though I did not like that speaker, I went because my friend insisted.

I was sitting in a hall full of almost five hundred people. And the event started. The speaker came and everyone started shouting and clapping. He went on the stage.


Everyone, Close your eyes.

Now Imagine that the home you live in, your every family member, your friends, your food, your clothes, your health, your girlfriend, and everything you love is in front of you. You are happy to spend time with your family, your dog is playing with you, and your wife or girlfriend is sitting with you holding your hands. Your friends are laughing at your jokes. You have a tasty food in front of you.

Now, suddenly there is an earthquake, and everyone you love is slowly dying, they are running here and there and you are standing in a corner and looking at your parents running to survive if they cannot. But somehow you survived.

You are crying, you lost everything, you are hungry, you have no one to love, you are alone.

You pray to god to give you everything back, you are looking at the sky and saying to god “I can do anything, just give me back what I had.”

God listens to you and you get everything back.

Now open your eyes.

How do you feel now?

That moment changed my life. I started valuing the things I had in my life.

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” — Melody Beattie

Does gratitude work?

Tow psychologists have researched gratitude. They asked the participants to write a few sentences each week. They divided people into three groups.

One group was asked to write about things they were grateful for during the week. A second group was asked to write about daily irritations or displeasure events. The third group just wrote the things that happened in the week with no emphasis on positive or negative).

After 10 weeks, those who wrote with gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives.

Why Gratitude Works So Well?

It helps us in many ways:

  • It activates neural pathways to think positively and have a grateful mindset.
  • It allows us to see the beauty around us and let us live in the present.
  • When we are grateful for others we improve relationships, and we get good feedback in life.
  • It makes us kind and generous towards others. This creates a cycle of gratitude and goodwill.

How to feel grateful?

There is no specific way to feel grateful. You can do it anywhere and anytime.

  • Say, thank you more often. Not to others but to yourself too.
  • Write every what great happened to you every day, if you try to focus there are a lot of great that happened today. For example, you eat delicious food, you walk on your own feet, you can see the beauty of the world, you talk to your parents, etc.
  • Ask good questions, such as “What is good in my life?”, “Why my life is so beautiful?”.
  • Listen to gratitude audio and videos.
  • Make cues to be grateful, such as eating, bathing, sleeping, etc.
  • Use gratitude affirmations and repeat them daily such as -
  • I am grateful for the love and support of my family.
  • I am thankful for the people who helped me today.
  • I am happy to see with my eyes.
  • I am grateful to have a healthy body.
  • I am thankful for the opportunities that have come my way.
  • I am grateful the have delicious food on my table.
  • I am grateful for laughing with my friends.

Thank you for your time.

Thanks for reading.

Download my free eBook Design A Happy Life.

Hi, I am Sandeep Thakur, I write to help you design your life to live it the way you want to live. You can follow me (Sandeep Thakur)



Sandeep thakur
Inspiring Minds

Having a purpose and designing my life. Sharing my learnings so that you can do the same. Create your life.