The Morning is the Time to be Alive!

Luqman Khan
Inspiring Minds
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2024
Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

I won’t lie and say I haven’t made this huge mistake myself, I have, many a times. Thus from all that I have learnt, I have come to share with you my knowledge of the day. Let’s begin.

The morning

This, mentioned before, is the time to be alive. To go outside, to exercise, to walk, to write in the beauty of the outdoors. It’s a time to be simple and enjoy what you genuinely love to do.

The afternoon

This is when the hustle and bustle of life takes over, you begin socializing, maybe work or school, you start to do routine essentially. Not much special here you most likely have this part of the day planned already.

The evening

The time of reflection and the time to do the things you wished you were to have done earlier but couldn’t because of time or maybe something urgent. A time to plan for tomorrow, to unwind your mind, to calm down, to again do what you love. And then to sleep gracefully and early.

Photo by Tianhao Wang on Unsplash

Now those are my thoughts upon time and how to act within each part of the day. This was influenced just generally by the optimal way I found to live or else my life wouldn’t be soo peaceful. Now let me proceed to my key message.

There is too much on your plate…

Look, there is no need to rush everything, to be the most productive man on the planet. It’s fine to slack off here and there, as long as you persistently even if by a little, you consistently get better.

There is no need to spend hours on writing, in the end, writing is a passion you do it because you want to and you like to.

Don’t wish for money, fame, power none of that, it’s stupidity. It’s all garbage.

Be fine with living a simple life, sure you write and read and exercise and whatever, but you do these things for you, and if power or fame comes out of it, then whatever, if it doesn’t, then whatever.

Just do what you like, do how much you like, in the end, everything will sort itself.

You will die so enjoy each day doing the things you love, doing the things you truly want to do.

Photo by dominik hofbauer on Unsplash

Keep what you want to do in a day around 1–3, this will ensure a peaceful mind not cluttered with trash and mental fog.

My story

Nearly everyday, I went through headache upon headache just because I wanted to do Soo much, this reduced my sleep, increased stress and ultimately I did less than what I wanted.

That’s when after around a year of this pain I found out two things: Structure and Less. Structure the day so it is easier for you to handle things, and do fewer tasks but those tasks are done super nicely.

Trust me this brings lots of clarity, hope this helps. Also another tip, always do the big things first and try to get everything done in advance, but like I mentioned before not the mornings, the mornings are a time to go outside and be alive.

Photo by Oliver Hihn on Unsplash

I hope this does make your life more simple and efficient and just generally more fun, like it has to me. Wish the best to you all.

Again if you want my help if you’re struggling in life right now, you can email me at, and I’ll help, trust me, I’ve been in rough times and all I really wanted was someone to talk to. And that’s why I hope I can give to the world and its people what wasn’t given to me.



Luqman Khan
Inspiring Minds

I am on the ship of life sailing in an ocean of the unknown. I too do not know much, often times the journey ahead is unclear, so, I shall offer the moonlight.