Those Who Need It the Most…

Luqman Khan
Inspiring Minds
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2024
Photo by Leo_Visions on Unsplash

Life can be hard sometimes but it’s a lot easier when someone is around to listen, to comfort, to aid you in your growth.

I have once been in that sad and lonely pit of darkness where I was avoid of any true love or connection (looking back I was just being blind, love was everywhere, but I still felt alone).

It feels as if you have sooo much problems yet no one to share them to, so I give a helping hand…

Photo by Aamir Suhail on Unsplash

I have been there before I understand very well what loneliness feels like especially when your life is riddled with many a problems. After all a problem shared is a problem halved, so I give you this.

Now, I know this may feel nerve wracking, but don’t worry, I would feel the same if I were you but still, ask for help, share your problems. If you feel like no one’s there, I can help you.

Please do ask, it’s by no means a nuisance to me, (that’s what I would probably think of if I were you), but please don’t let this feeling stop you from asking for help.

My mission in life is to help the common good, so, if you were to ask for help not only will it help you but it would make me feel happy and fulfilled to have helped someone.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Now, if you do or even if you had thought or anyone, this act to ask for help is not weakness it is bravery. To let go of man’s ego and to just unite as a singular race. You are brave, that is the truth.

Photo by Matthew Fassnacht on Unsplash

You can ask for help, we are in this together:

Enjoy your day, and if anything troubles you, you can message me, I’ll be there.



Luqman Khan
Inspiring Minds

I am on the ship of life sailing in an ocean of the unknown. I too do not know much, often times the journey ahead is unclear, so, I shall offer the moonlight.