It need not be be complicated


Brindha Venkataramani
Inspiring Minds
Published in
Apr 21, 2024



In the labyrinth of thoughts, I wandered deep,

Simple they seemed, yet their grip did creep.

The more I sought, the more they spun,

Like threads of silk, they danced, they won.

I paused, I pondered, I dared to see,

The intricate dance of my mind’s decree.

They swirled, they soared, they refused to rest,

Like whispers in the wind, they put me to the test.

They darted, they danced, they refused to stay,

Like wild horses, they galloped all day.

Yet amidst the chaos, I found a clue,

A secret to tame the unruly crew.

I realized, I need not be ensnared,

By every whisper, every thought bared.

Like raindrops on my umbrella, they fell,

Slipping away, finding their own well.

And there I stood, undrenched, serene,

In the midst of the mind’s turbulent stream.

Pic Credits : Canva



Brindha Venkataramani
Inspiring Minds

A Software professional who writes on subjects related to Happiness and well-being in general.