Dark Side 104: Learning Linux Part 2

Level Up!

Katlyn Gallo
6 min readNov 21, 2020


Linux Challenges Room completed! If you haven’t read Part One yet, check that one out as well. It’s a precursor to this one where I wrote about the first half of the Linux Challenges.

Third Impression: I no longer hate Linux, but I still don’t love it!

After finishing the Linux Challenges room, I felt super accomplished. Although I’m only halfway through the Linux Fundamentals section and have only completed 16% of the Beginner path, I’m really proud of myself for pushing through some of the frustrations I’ve faced since starting this learning path a few weeks ago. I’ve always felt so intimidated by Linux because it’s all command-line based, and much like other things I don’t understand, I started not to like it. But the more I learn, the less intimidated I feel, so we’re on the right path!

A Little Self-Reflection

Many people know this about me: I hate a lot of things that I’ve never tried to like…like fruit. Yes, quick fun fact about me, I don’t like fruit. Growing up I was a very picky eater and I think a lot of that translates to who I am as well. I never used to be adventurous with trying new food or new things for that matter because I don’t like being uncomfortable. Over the years, I have found that I react the same way to things I have never tried, or know I am not good at.



Katlyn Gallo
Dark Roast Security

Coffee lover, bookworm, and InfoSec enthusiast | Find me on Twitter & Instagram: @ktgblogstech