Member-only story
Diving into Cybersecurity Management — Part One
My journey into management when I felt I might be at rock bottom in my career.
Medium friends, I’m back!
If you’ve been with me since the beginning, you may have noticed it’s been almost a year since my last published article on here. This aligns with about the time that my job, as I knew it, was changing.
Those close to me know I was struggling at the time with feeling fulfilled in my role. A transition out of cybersecurity engineering to a new role within a different team didn’t pan out as I had hoped, leaving me in a state of limbo.
For the first time since I started my career in IT, I felt stagnant and I didn’t just dislike it; I hated it. I was under-utilized at work, leading me to try filling my days with other things, like courses, webinars, and blogging.
While people might say, “Well, you were getting paid, so what does it matter?” I’ve never been one to sit still for too long or settle. I like to learn, and I love being challenged — two things which I wasn’t getting out of my current role.
Enter a new CISO…
I had zero expectations, and in fact, I was toying with the idea of starting to look for a new job. What kept me from doing that at the time was…