What Does it Take to Be a Cybersecurity Analyst?

Tips and tricks for building an analyst skillset.

Katlyn Gallo
9 min readJun 15, 2021


Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

I recently had the privilege of participating in a fireside chat series for the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Cybersecurity Apprenticeship program. Say that five times fast!

The series was broken down into three episodes:

  1. Beginning as an analyst
  2. Acing the analyst interview
  3. Career growth as an analyst

Through these episodes, the goal was to provide insight into what it’s like to be a cybersecurity analyst, tips for obtaining an analyst position, and finally, what career growth for an analyst looks like.

Because this series was developed by UCC-CS and won’t be widely distributed outside of the university, I thought it would be worthwhile to publish an article that provides an overview of my conversation with the moderator.

In this article, I’ll be covering episode one, Beginning as an Analyst, and will cover episodes two and three in subsequent articles.

Given this was an informal discussion about being a cybersecurity analyst, I thought the best way to convey the conversation was via a Q&A format. I’ve outlined the conversation I had with the moderator into the six…



Katlyn Gallo
Dark Roast Security

Coffee lover, bookworm, and InfoSec enthusiast | Find me on Twitter & Instagram: @ktgblogstech