The Human Condition

Even If It’s Not Broken They’ll Try To Fix It Until It Actually Breaks

The difference between maintaining a healthy relationship or trying to constantly fix it with a three quarter inch wrench.

P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth
6 min readJul 28, 2021


Stop trying to constantly fix something that isn’t broken. Image Steve Buissinne on Pixabay

There’s an old southern expression (maybe northern as well — I haven’t spent that much time in Canada eh) that speaks volumes of good old common sense. If it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it. Of course, this sage advice doesn’t mean you can’t take something and make it even better. Fast food manufacturers do it all the time.

You know, like adding a few more chips coated with heart-clogging preservatives in a bag, raising the price, and telling the consumer the chip is “new and improved”.

It’s always new and improved, new look, improved tastes with fewer calories, half the fat, and sodium so you can continue to munch without fear of off the chart glucose levels. It’s about making you think you’ve got another ten years to live instead of the five the doctor told you that you had left.

Like the fast-food industry that believes everything needs fixing or improvement, many of us attempt to fix a relationship that doesn’t need fixing. We try so hard that we sometimes break the very thing we thought…



P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.