Henry James Stories — An Index

P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth
6 min readAug 1, 2019


Henry James At The Click Of A Button

I recently received a comment from a writer friend of mine Agnes Louis who suggested I create an index for all my Henry James stories.

She mentioned it might be a good idea for a reader who has just discovered Henry and Sunny to have a link to all the stories in one place so they would be easier to find.

It took me a couple of days to chew on her suggestion. On the one hand it almost seemed like self-promotion, but on the other it’s a way to make it easier for the reader to find Henry James stories.

And I want readers to find Henry James stories.

Keep in mind, the logical thing to do would be create a publication where I could keep all the Henry James series stories. But I’ve looked into it and frankly folks, I just ain’t that technically adapt nor do I have the applications to create the caliber of images required for the site.

It’s a real pity too, because I was thinking about calling the publication…wait for it…Dark Sides of the Truth.

Wouldn’t that be a groovy publication name?

Yes, I just said groovy.

If there’s anybody…



P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.