When The Program Fails People Die Part I

A Sunny Alexander-Johnson And Henry James Series

P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth


My name is Sunny Alexander-Johnson, and I’m Henry James, and we’re writers for Dark Sides of the Truth magazine.

Last week’s Friday storyboard session put our boss, Rick McDonnell, in a pretty good mood with our story on the Fort Worth Texas Coliseum and Donnie and Suzanne Sullivan.

So much so, we took a chance and decided to show up on a Monday morning. Something we very seldom did. Interestingly enough, we were both beginning to get this Monday thing at Dark Sides down pat.

Probably because the ritualistic sacrifices made to appease Rick’s notorious Monday morning tirades had all but dried up.

Still, there was an air of nervousness which pressed down on everybody in the bullpen when Rick left his office for coffee, the restroom, or any of a thousand different reasons.

“Whatcha doing, Johnson?”

“What the hell does it look like, old man? I’m making a phone call.”

“To who?”

“You know what, James? The last time I looked, you’re not my mother.”



P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.