Movie Review

Code Name: Trixie

(aka George Romero’s The Crazies [1973])

Dark Verse
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2021


Starring: Lloyd Hollar, Lane Carroll, Will McMillan, and Harold Wayne Jones
Writer and Director: George A. Romero.

The first time we see our hero, David, the fire siren is going off as he languishes in bed with his fiancee. They take time for love because you know how in-control fires usually are. Always time for witty banty while people burn!

In Code Name: Trixie (aka The Crazies), we are not really clear what the virus exactly does except make people giggly and act drunk. How dangerous people are is not prevalent, that is until Granny stabs a soldier with a knitting needle without provocation.

The smarmy yet loveable scientist (who we love even more once we realize he tested Trixie on living subjects) bursts onto the scene telling the brass he is on the verge of a breakthrough. After he set up shop, he right away encountered problems with communications. He is the one, by the way, who gives us this gem that just so happens to give us a full explanation (with big-word adjectives).

Often lethal, always debilitative, encephalitic mutation. It leaves its victims either dead or incurably mad.

