Lore No Longer Seems Trivial

Worlds Around Us
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2014


Merrows in Ireland; Mermaids in Israel, Rusalkas in Eastern Europe. Most cultures near a large body of water seem to have a version of the mermaid. Just as many have tales of all kinds of mythological creatures. Gnomes, Jinn & the Loch Ness Monster. As someone who is from Irish descent, the tales were common place in my home.

Todays technology may be showing us however, that those tales were not just stories.

Greenland researchers working off the coast in the Norweign Sea, are said to have footage of a merman; clear as day and very much alive. Argentinian Police have been launching investigations in response to numerous gnome sightings by the locals. Many cultures around the world caution tourists and out of towners, even today, about myth-like creatures they should avoid in their area.

These myths, legends, & stories come from all over and from all across time. Most people would even agree that there was once probably some truth to them, “back when”. Or is it that they are still very much necessary in our world, because these things, these creatures, are still alive? The evidence — the real evidence (we are not talking “the shaky-handed — I think I saw a shadow” photos and such) that scientists can test, see, and maybe one day observe. Are these videos or photos irrefutable proof? Probably not. Not today at least. Yet, does that mean that we should be so quick to discard these occurrences that seem to be mounting year by year? Technology has brought us a long way, perhaps it can help finally tell us if what was once thought to be little more than tall tales are actually warnings from our ancestors.

