Dear Marketers, it’s time to be bold.

Daniel Tremayne-Pitter
Dark Matter


Feeling frustrated by the traditional agency approach? Yes, it’s time for something different.

You’re a marketer — it’s a good gig — you’re a vital, fundamental asset in your organisation.

But let’s be honest — it’s not all hyper-creative campaigns, Post-its, coffee and big thinking. It’s really about delivering metrics, filling the pipeline and fending off other departments who are far too keen on ‘helping’ shape your campaigns.

Whether its budget sheets and quarterly plans that are causing you a headache, or an over enthusiastic brand team, we feel you.

If you’re like every other marketer we have had the fortune to work with, you’ll likely be looking for the next step in your marketing career. That step-change comes from getting noticed and the bravest seem to move faster.

So, noteworthy high-performance marketing is an imperative — how is that going?

From this point we’ll assume: you’re a marketer, stretched for time and looking to level-up.

Your customers are evolving. Just like the rest of us, they are subjected to too much content with a distinct lack of time to observe it.

We’re a far cry from waiting patiently for TV shows to appear on one of just four channels and owning phones that just make calls. We’re all living in the Attention Economy — an incomprehensible abundance of content competing for our finite amount of available attention.

In our accelerating world, nearly all conventional marketing and advertising tactics are set to change. Our neurological evolution is out-paced by the exponential growth of technology and volume of available content. We just aren’t cognitively equipped to process all the c.5,000 pieces of information placed in-front of us each day.

If you want to win your share of the attention marketplace — you’re going to need to perform some magic. Well, not necessarily magic — but you certainly will need to deliver better results by out-thinking other content creators.

The best place to start? Be brave, take a deep breath and try to understand and align your campaign to the psychology, role-specific nuances and the behavioural traits of your audience. The most effective way to take your share of attention? — align your campaigns to core human emotions. Harnessing human behaviour is the key to solving new-world marketing challenges.

That seems obvious? Yes. But so many Marketers are still looking for the ‘next big trend’ — seeking first-mover advantage to capture more attention seconds. (Now, it’s important to note that we’re not anti ‘new’ — far from it). However, we’ve witnessed the pit-falls of pushing generic content, via emerging platforms, without ascertaining the behavioural patterns in consumption or planning a viable customer journey.

According to Jennifer Romaniuk, a Research Professor at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science:

“Today’s world of never-ending technological breakthroughs creates the illusion that jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon is moving us forward, when we are really going around in circles.”

Creating high-performance marketing strategies and campaigns that win in the Attention Economy, well — that’s what we do. Our approach is likely different from your existing agency.

Sure, being ‘bold’ is easier said than done. Having the confidence to launch an out-of-the-norm campaign requires a lot more than choosing some long-shot creative from your agency or firing up a corporate TikTok account. If you’re looking for next-level marketing, you’ll need to employ a deeper level of marketing; and that should be born from behavioural insight.

We’re specialists in utilising behavioural science, psychology and neuromarketing techniques to develop creative campaigns that out-perform the ‘conventional’ approach. We give marketers, and their organisations, the evidence and confidence to invest in new marketing strategies. We create and execute award-winning campaigns, that deliver our clients career-defining work. Isn’t it time to maximise your marketing performance and minimise wastage?

Our years of industry knowledge means that we are deeply connected with the nuances of marketing complex propositions.

We could continue to write about the virtues of our methodologies, our sophisticated approach to behavioural strategy, our creative and digital production skills; but by this point you already know if you’re the type of marketer to embrace our kind of ‘new’.

Demand more from your campaigns. Your prospects do. After all, fortune favours the brave.

Learn more about Dark Matter | Marketing Science Lab



Daniel Tremayne-Pitter
Dark Matter

Head of Marketing Science @ Dark Matter | Behavioural Strategist | Marketer | Creative Technologist.