Blizzard’s Shameful History is Heart Breaking

Xennariel Revenlyr
DarkMoon Revolution


The end of an era or a ray of hope? The Activision-Blizzard lawsuits might bring much needed change to the popular gaming company and its games

Photo by Axville on Unsplash

It has taken me a long time to think about and process the harassment issues that have been brought to light in the past week regarding the much loved gaming company, Blizzard.

Like many, I held Blizzard to a higher standard than other gaming companies. I respected them and loved the games they released, particularly World of Warcraft, which is what I’ll be talking most about in this article.

Blizzard was one of the first companies where I learned the names of the creators and founders and I considered them great creative minds with a passion for the games they made and an appreciation for the huge number of fans they’d attained.

I was disheartened to learn this week that many of those men who founded the company, and those that were hired later on, were nothing like I had imagined.

Their outward character belied their true nature and intentions. So caught up were they in their rapid rise to fame that they took advantage of it, using their power and popularity to facilitate a workplace full of “frat boy” culture, harassment, and inappropriate behavior.



Xennariel Revenlyr
DarkMoon Revolution

Gamer, wannabe artist, dog mom, and fantasy genre enthusiast. My dogs Zephyr and Maverick are my world. Consider supporting my work: