Photo Essay and a Lot of Steps for Sick Kids

Follow my updates and join in for charity

4 min readMay 2, 2024
All photos taken by author on walks

Yesterday marked the beginning of May and of my pledge to walk 10.000 steps a day to raise funds for seriously ill kids who can get much needed support and fun.

If you are in Australia, consider joining in and let’s get fit together!

And — -or if you are anywhere else around the globe — consider making however small a donation (Link shared throughout the essay, or you an click here)

Also, I will be posting updates here (no paywall) and via Jess the Avocado (my non-fiction page).

Let’s help some kiddos in need, and follow along trough my mediocre phone photography skills!

I’m stepping it up for Super Steps and the Starlight Foundation. These awesome folks support kids who are facing serious illnesses!

Here the strap of my yoga mat snapped, and I had to carry the heavy as mat along with me in my hands lol


“Singing and dancing gives me so much energy. By signing up for Starlight Super Steps, you can boost your energy, feel better, and help make sick kids happy too.” Abigail

12-year-old Abby has spent her whole life undergoing treatment for a congenital heart defect, after suddenly turning blue at just two weeks old.

Flown to Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital Abby would remain there for months, undergoing two open heart surgeries, fighting off sepsis, and spending her first Christmas on a ventilator in intensive care.

Throughout her lifetime of hospitalisations and treatments, Captain Starlight has been there to help Abby to cope with the fear and stress of her condition.


Just weeks before her fifth birthday, Isla was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.

Suddenly her world was filled with the pain of surgery, chemo, needles and medicine.

Before cancer, Isla’s days were filled with ballet, dancing and singing. But the long, lonely days in hospital felt a world away from those happy times…until she discovered Captain Starlight.

Amid the pain and loneliness of hospital and treatment, Captain Starlight was always on hand with the fun and laughter Isla needed. Whenever the Captains visited her on the cancer ward, her face lit up.

“Smiling and laughing with Captain Starlight helped Isla forget about being a cancer kid” Madison (Mum)

Isla would like to share this message to all of you Super Steppers:

“Thank you for signing up for Starlight’s Super Steps. Now you can be healthy and strong like me!”

Starlight Super Steps — Jess Nunz (you can donate or join the walks through this link) and finding more about the foundation and this May’s initiative!

And remember, I will be alternating updates between here (Asterion) and Jess the Avocado

So, let me show you around Melbourne, and let’s contribute to some good!

