Try Something New For 30 Days

Feel like a champion!

2 min readMay 30, 2024
All photos by author

When Emidio first proposed it to me I said: I tried it when I was younger, but it wasn’t for me. To be honest I wasn’t too good at it.

We were not talking about straight sex, though the answer would have been the same, but the ancient transcendental art of table tennis — ping pong.

Harmed with the motivation derived from not one but multiple TED talks, I decided to give it a try.

How did it go?

I’m pretty good now, one month in. But I still lose 8 times out of 10. I’m planning to secretly join a ping pong club and then make everyone (Emidio, XJ, and the Chinese aunties at the library’s public table) feel my rage.

The vengeance.

But what for June? Maybe chess?

