Analyzing Hannah’s Prayer

Darnell Clayton
Darnell (Africa)
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2017

Image: Samuel Dedicated by Hannah at the Temple by Frank W.W. Topham (public domain)

Famous for being Prophet Samuel’s mother, Hannah’s prayer was (more or less) an utterance of praise to the Almighty for granting her request of a child.

It’s only ten verses long but us humans get a glimpse of how God operates around the globe thanks to Hannah’s prayer of gratitude.

And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. (1 Samuel 2:1)

Hannah’s heart, emotions & focus was rejoicing in God.

Rather than being a repetitious ritual, rejoicing in God was not only apart of her life but also the source of her strength, honor & success over her adversaries.

Like Hannah before me, I need to maintain my joy in Christ & not allow the circumstances experienced in life (both good & bad) reduce my delight in the Almighty.

There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. (1 Samuel 2:2)

God is not only unique but perfect.

Basically God is a transcendent being existing outside of time & space who is also powerful enough to create multiverses.

It would be wise to rely upon God as my source of strength (instead of my own) as his intellect & power vastly exceeds anything else in existence.

Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. (1 Samuel 2:3)

Irregardless of whether I view it as jesting, smack talk, verbal counter punching, et al, God loathes any arrogant words exiting my mouth.

God is gracious but he also a judge who desires that I season my words with meekness instead of pride.

Also the title God of knowledge hints at his omniscience, informing me that he not only judges any action I partake on earth but also evaluates my reasons behind my actions.

The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength.

They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble. (1 Samuel 2:4 – 5)

During times of uncertainty I (along with many other fellow humans) look towards political, spiritual, financial or physical strong folk as a source of our strength.

Here God reminds me that even the mightiest humans will falter & those I once viewed as secure (at least from calamity) can collapse due to changes in fortune.

God also reveals that the opposite is also true.

Those often regarded as weak, insignificant, poor, et al, can have their status & fortunes reversed, resulting in those individuals being counted amongst the elite.

The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.

The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them. (1 Samuel 2:6 – 8)

Due to my over exposure of an ever loving gracious God that is often preached from pulpits in America I momentarily forget that God is a judge who also dispenses justice upon the Earth.

Divine intervention throughout human history is to be expected from the Almighty & apparently God enjoys altering the fate of folks destined for desolation.

While I may not fully comprehend his reasons for reducing or improving the fortunes of folks on Earth, I need to trust God’s wisdom over my own regarding the affairs of men (especially in this day & age of political chaos).

He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed. (1 Samuel 2:9 – 10)

Despite the chaos & potentially frightening world I now live in, God assures me that he will preserve those who seek after him.

The Almighty also reminds me that my strength alone is not sufficient to thrive upon this world & that ultimately God will dispense justice upon the wicked (irregardless of their political & financial power).



Darnell Clayton
Darnell (Africa)

A carbon vessel interested in all things celestial. A human being with spiritual meaning. A political soul seeking libertarian goals. |