Divine Culture
The first verse I can easily grasp (thanks in part to being blessed with a great family).
The second part has (for the most part) been trickier to master in life.
As far as lust goes, I’ve read so many books or have heard numerous feminists, pastors, friends, etcetera on how to deal with the raging testosterones that flood through my veins.
While I have been fortunate enough not to have become addicted to pornography…
Side Note: Being a geek I thought the idea of being aroused by millions of red, blue and yellow dots upon pictures to be beneath me (yes, silly reasoning I know).
…like 99.99% of the semi-evil guys on planet Earth I would struggle on how to treat and view the ladies around me with respect without succumbing to my fleshly imagination.
Fortunately I do not have to absorb another How To book within my brain as Christ provides an easy solution by instructing me to treat:
“The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity. (1 Timothy 5:2)”
It might appear to be a simple concept but this I can do!