If You Want to Follow Your Dreams, You’ll Have to Choose a Focus

Darnell Clayton
Darnell (Africa)
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2014

Wise advice…

A dozen great ideas are useless if you can’t follow them through. Even with endless ambition, having too many goals can pull you in too many directions, making it difficult to actually finish anything. Instead, you need to choose a small number of goals and focus your attention.

I’ve been following the focus on a few items in several areas of my life, especially online (which is why I have suspended using Google+, Facebook & Blogger).

Limiting myself does reduce the number of outlets that I have — however it does allow me to concentrate more of my energy towards a few goals (just like a magnifying glass concentrates the Sun’s light into a deadly heat ray).

If You Want to Follow Your Dreams, You’ll Have to Choose a Focus



Darnell Clayton
Darnell (Africa)

A carbon vessel interested in all things celestial. A human being with spiritual meaning. A political soul seeking libertarian goals. | www.Darnell.bio